Sunday, July 26, 2015

The Meaning of Healthy Diet For Women

The Meaning of Healthy Diet For Women
healthy diet for women illustration
A healthy diet for women demands a healthy lifestyle containing healthful food choices because of a greater need to maintain healthy liver function. Some people feel that dieting means starvation and unhealthy eating. If you want to drop a few pounds, the simple answer is always diet and exercise. A little exercise is always a healthy way to lose weight. A diet does not need to be a part starvation, and it does not always mean following some fad diet or paying a company for pre-packaged meals. A healthy diet for women can simply mean a better eating regimen designed by you.

Few people realize the huge impact an overloaded liver can have on their body. The liver acts as the "oil filter" of the body. It filters out toxins, bacteria, and viruses from your bloodstream via your intestines. It kills or otherwise renders these dangerous items harmless then expels them. These cleansing functions require a balanced healthy diet for women to supply the nutrients involved in this process. That is why seeking healthy foods to eat is vitally important for health maintenance.

Healthy eating guidelines are easy to remember making it easy to formulate a healthy diet plan for you. Here are simple healthy diet for women guidelines you can use at every meal:
  • Eat at least 5 (preferably more) servings of raw vegetables and fresh fruit every day.
  • Consume whole grain products such as bread, pasta, and cereal (both hot and cold cereals) instead of refined grain products.
  • Limit your daily protein consumption to a piece of meat about the size of a pack of playing cards.
  • Drink lots of pure water to flush toxins from your body. Your body needs water but not coffee, soda, or juice. Give it the water it needs in the pure form it prefers.
These are the basics that will make it easy for you to find healthy foods to eat. Healthy Detox Diet

In addition to a healthy diet meal plan a nutrient-rich liver detoxification program is mandatory. This is also one of the options a healthy diet for women, if you do not pull your body out of the nutritional deficit it is in then your liver will never be able to "catch up" and begin functioning correctly.

 Continuing to consume some of these nutritional supplements on a daily basis will allow you to easily maintain your weight and health.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

How to Finding The Best Weight Loss Diet

How to Finding The Best Weight Loss Diet
Ilustration Image

What is the best weight loss diet for me? Many of you that want to lose weight are asking that question. It's all up to you. There are so many diets out there that are good. The only thing that's left for you is to pick up the diet that's right for you. You've got a goal and based on that goal you should pick your diet.

The best weight loss diet is the one that works for you. Frequently we talk to our friends who are dieting or engaged with some new diet or gimmick that they find works for them. Or we get sucked in by a magazine article promising the world. Off we go and expect the same results. Often we are disappointed and quit when the results aren't forthcoming. Over the years most of us have lost dozens of pounds, only to gain them back when the latest fad diet stopped working or we grew bored with the diet. We need to get off the diet carousel and find the best weight loss diet for us. Emphasis here

A key rule in finding the best weight loss diet is to throw out the magazines, gimmicks, celebrity junk and go back to basics. For any diet to be effective it must meet several criteria. I think they are:

  • The diet must be balanced with all the food groups represented.
  • It must have sufficient variety so you don't grow bored with it and drop off the diet.
  • It should involve a lifestyle change, not a short term fix to lose weight for some upcoming event like a wedding for example.
  • It should contain a meal planner to make it easy to plan meals and shopping.
  • Other members of the family should be able to use the same program because it has universal principles and values. The family that diets together sticks to the diet together!
  • It must not contain expensive foods and supplements to make it work. It will be out of the reach of the everyday person and you won't be able to stick to it long term.
  • It must include an exercise program that starts off where you are and builds up progressively.
  • Food should be a major component of the program and food that stimulates the metabolism should be identified so you can maximise your weight loss.

I could add more but I think these are simple and easy to follow when you are researching the best weight loss diet for you. The important measure of success for a diet is whether you can stay on it long term when it becomes a new lifestyle and not just a fast fix. Fast fixes lead to yo yo weight loss and gain and ultimately it gets harder and harder to lose the weight you gain when you fall off the diet. As you age your metabolism slows down and losing pounds and inches off you waist gets harder and harder.

I have tried several over the years. The best I have found contains all the above with an online meal planner. It simplifies the process of dieting because the meals are easily plan in advance and it simplifies shopping for food. The exercise program is low impact making it suitable for most people unless they are seriously impaired physically. Most importantly it is a diet program that you can live with in the long term as it becomes a sea change in lifestyle.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Efficient Healthy Weekly Meal Plan

Efficient Healthy Weekly Meal Plan

Efficient healthy weekly meal plan comes from a great draft plan, wise shopping, as well as from being versatile. Here are some best ideas on how to plan your family meals.

A healthy diet plan is not only about what you eat but also how you can modify your lifestyle to get into a regular healthy eating routine. The 5 tips healthy weekly meal plan will help you love your healthy diet meal plan instead of hating it because of the hassle or guilt you feel if you don't follow it.

You've Got Nothing Prepared For A Healthy Meal.

After a busy day, nobody want to come home feeling tired and hungry and then having to start preparing something healthy to eat. To get around this problem, you can cook a range of healthy meals at the weekend and refrigerate or freeze these meals so they'll be ready to heat up at the end of a busy workday.

All The Drinks In The Vending Machine Are Sugar Filled Sodas.

Often all the drinks in vending machines are unhealthy sodas or other sugar loaded refreshments. Watch out too for diet sodas that have no calories. They contain countless chemicals to make them calorie free, they are not a healthy alternative. Smoothies are an excellent fresh healthy drink for any time of the day. They only take a couple of minutes to make, they are simple to carry around and can stay fresh for up to 2 days when kept in the right container.

I Want To Eat A Healthy Meal But I Don't Want To Spend Hours Preparing It.

Once you've mastered how to put together a few quick and healthy dishes, you can prepare delicious and nutritious meals in minutes rather than hours. Omelets, stir frys and salads are a few quick and easy meals that you can include in your weight loss meal plans which can be prepared in less than 20 minutes.

Convenience Foods Are Quick And Easy.

Obviously convenience foods offer a quick and easy solution to mealtimes but they are not the best things to have as part of your healthy diet meal plan. If you can't find the time to prepare yourself healthy meals, opt for convenience foods that are nutritious like canned beans, canned tuna, fresh fruits, Greek yogurt, nuts and seeds. These foods don't need to be cooked and provide a quick meal or snack when you're on the go.

I Buy All The Wrong Stuff At The Store.

If you don't have a clear idea of what you are going to buy when you go into the grocery store or what you are going to eat for the coming week, you'll end up buying foods you don't need or ingredients for meals that are complicated to prepare. Make a list before you go of all the things you need so you know exactly what you want when you go shopping for food. Also, don't shop for food when your hungry. Those high calorie fast foods will be too tempting to ignore if you've got an empty stomach.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Don't Be Tempted By Cheap Diet Plans

Don't Be Tempted By Cheap Diet Plans

I earnestly request you not to buy cheap fast weight loss diet plans if you do not want to compromise with your health. All the good they are of is that they give you some short cuts which do more harm to your body than any good. They are very hard to follow as they strictly direct to avoid any carbohydrate or fat in the meal. You follow them and you lose a few pounds in the first two weeks. Then this weight loss stops suddenly and you start feeling tired, exhausted, worn-out, hungry and losing your interest over this whole thing. The next scene is very disturbing. You are fed up with your diet plan, leave it disappointed that nothing can help you out and start gulping down everything you missed all these days at double the rate. The result! You add more fats than ever.

The remedy? Go for a balanced diet plan than buy cheap fast weight loss diet plans. The best thing about a balanced diet is that it lets you eat everything you desire and does not keep you starved or deprived of anything either. It is full of "Dos" than "Don'ts". Believe me! A strict weight loss diet plan only robs your energy and strength, which you never wanted. A balanced diet, comprising of all the essential nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals and water, added with some roughage, is the best for your body and although it contains carbohydrates and fats, it helps lose weight and fats.

Proteins and roughage require a lot of energy to be broken down during digestion, and hence burn down a lot of fats. So, more proteins and roughage in the diet, more you lose fats. Again, carbohydrates and fats themselves provide energy for hydrolysis and breaking down of fats, in assistance with water. Vitamins and minerals make your metabolism function properly and do not let your body accumulate fats. So, there you saw the benefits of a balanced diet. One more thing; you need not spend a penny on buying a balanced cheap diet plans. I don't think there are any more reasons left to let you buy cheap fast weight loss diet plans.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Best Weight Loss Programs For Women

The Best Weight Loss Programs For Women

Here are the best weight loss programs for women who are struggling to lose weight. If you're too busy to cook elaborate healthy meals... AND... you're too busy to get to the gym all the time, then read this now to pick up some tips on how to lose weight without having to spend much time on it.

Best Weight Loss Programs for Women

The quick diet way

I won't force you to abandon your favorite foods. Instead I need you to do a couple things to get your diet working for you.

First, I want you to use apples as your primary snacks. Eat 3 of them a day. If you make this compromise with me, then you can continue eating your favorite foods at lunch and/or dinner. If you can't even do this simple small thing, then you must think about whether you even deserve to lose weight!

Second, I want you to cook up a 1 pound bag of lentils as a soup. Then, each day for the next 7 days, eat a little of it. The amount of protein and fiber you get in this, especially for the price of about 77 cents for a pound, is nothing short of incredible.

Lastly, eat eggs as often as you can... hopefully daily at breakfast. Besides protein shakes, I consider eggs the best source of protein you can get. They're perfect to eat for breakfast because the protein in them will jumpstart your metabolism.

The quick exercise way

If I told you all you that you could lose a lot of weight fast if all you did was give me 5 minutes of your time each day, would you believe me? Probably not... and that's ok. But you can. Here's how... do hindu squats.

You need to know that these 5 minutes probably won't be easy for you. That's because for hindu squats to work great, you need to do them as fast as you can. You don't need weights or anything to do these, just you and your body squatting fast.

Got that... they're bodyweight squats. A general parameter for you to shoot for is to get in at least 100 squats in the 5 minutes. You can take short rest times while doing these, but I advise against it. Push past your tiredness and do these non-stop.

To be sure that you don't cheat this movement and your weight loss, I want you to touch your finger tips to the ground each time you squat down. This will keep you honest so that you squat down far enough. Make sure to keep your back straight and don't hunch over.

There you go... 2 of the best weight loss programs for women that you can mix and match as you see fit so that weight loss progress happens without you having to waste too much of your precious time.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Healthy Meal Plans For Women

Healthy Meal Plans For Women
illustration image
Ladies, I am certain that finding healthy meal plans for women can be a bit challenging at times. Today I will narrow it down to what typically works best for women.

Every single body; female, male, young, or old is extremely different. The most important thing is finding what works for YOU! On average, depending on your activity levels, most women should consume between 1600-2000 calories a day. Of these calories 45%-65% should come from carbohydrates, 10%-35% should come from protein, and 20%-35% should come from fat. NO MORE THAN 7% of your caloric intake should come from SATURATED FATS.

This can be a bit challenging at times, but with time you will figure out which foods make you feel the best, and which ones you will choose to limit from your diet. It is trial and error, but with patience, persistence, and motivation your healthy meal plan will come together a lot more smoothly than you would have ever anticipated.

Now, I will give you some ideas of what some healthy meal plans to choices from each group would be, and make sure to consume one from each group at meal time.

Carbohydrates- When measuring out your carbohydrates, make sure that the serving is no larger than the palm of your hand. Unless they are vegetables, in which case, eat them up!
  • Whole grain/whole wheat /rye/pumpernickel/gluten-free breads
  • Whole grain, brown, or wild rice-plain oatmeal
  • Sweet potatoes/ yams
  • Whole wheat/whole grain/rice noodles

Protein- Make sure that the serving of protein is approximately 4-6oz.
  • Boneless skinless chicken breast
  • Egg whites
  • Extra lean ground beef (limit to once a week)
  • Salmon (limit to a couple times a week due to the higher fat content)
  • White fish - haddock, tilapia, cod, herring
  • Low sodium tuna

Fat -limit fats to about a tablespoon per serving.
  • Olive oil-almonds/walnuts
  • All natural peanut butter/almond butter/soy butter
  • Avocado
  • Flax seed

So now you may be thinking that these are the only foods you can eat. These are just healthy options to offer you some guidance when trying to plan healthy meal plans for women.

When making your meals always try to incorporate a serving from each of these groups. You want to make sure that your diet is varied enough so you get a large spectrum of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Now, the most important thing to all of this is MAKE SURE YOU PLAN, PLAN, PLAN.

Planning and preparing your meals in advance is a sure way to stay on track. Make sure you are packing enough food for the day so that your blood sugar levels don't plummet. When this happens it makes it a lot harder to stay on track because our focus always seems to diminish as our hunger goes up!

When planning healthy meal plans for women, we must always remember what we are trying to achieve. Is it weight-loss, muscle-gain, maintenance, or just overall health? Regardless, remember food is fuel. We eat to fuel our bodies to do the things we need it them to do. Whether it be to go to the gym every day, take a walk with our husbands, take our kids to swimming lessons, these are all things that we need our health for. Without our health life can become extremely challenging. If we can make the choice to live for health and treat our bodies with the respect they deserve, then chances are, our bodies will return the favour!

Monday, July 20, 2015

Easy Diet Plan Criteria You Must Know

Easy Diet Plan Criteria You Must Know

Choosing an easy diet plan is simple if you make the right decision before you choose the diet plan. There are hundreds of diet plans for you to take a look at. If you haven't made these decisions then the information on the diet plans becomes confusing if not down right complicated.

Don't let confusion reign supreme in your quest for an easy diet plan. Go Over these # must do decisions now before you shop for the perfect diet plan and you will set yourself up to win in the battle of the bulge.

Must Decide #1: How Much Do I Want To Lose? Set a goal and be reasonable. Remember that it didn't get put on in a couple of weeks so don't expect the weight to be gone in a few weeks. Give yourself enough time to reach your goal so your not losing more than two to three pounds a week. This is a realistic goal you can accomplish with ease.

Must Decide #2: When Do I Want To Start My Diet? Being on vacation and on a diet is not fun. Start your diet so you won't be interrupted by occasions. Family weddings, vacations and other family celebrations can play havoc with a diet, so avoid those times of year.

Must Decide #3: Who Else Will My Diet Effect? If you're the family cook this can be a biggie. Are you willing to cook separate meals or will the family share in your new found passion to diet. Most families will support a family member who is dieting as long as the diet is not shoved down their throat. Ask for their help. The quickest way to get exactly what you want is to ask for it.

Must Decide #4: Are You Going To Cook Or Purchase Your Meals Cooked? If you're single then this is a no-brainer. Purchase your meals prepared, portioned and perfect for your diet. If others are involved will they want the purchased foods or will you need to cook for them and nuke yours? Even though the purchased foods are tasty and delicious, if you have to cook you favorite meal and then nuke something for yourself you are going to be disappointed.

Must Decide #5: Pick A Diet You Will Enjoy! Nutrisystem for instance has 7 different diet plans because they know there isn't one diet plan to fit all. If you like carbs then don't pick a no-carb diet. You will just set yourself up to fail and you are too important for that.

The main thing is not to get caught up in all the do's and don't that are common to a lot of diets. Choose an easy diet plan that fits your budget and lifestyle and you are well on your way to a slimmer you.